Frame Member Data - Canopy Beam with Inset Girt

(Revised: 06/04/08)


1)     Adjust Canopy Beam Length




View A


View B



If possible, designer should design the canopy beam bolting plate to have a flush condition at the FO (flange outside). 


Before changing the connection get approval from the designer!


1)     Confirm any changes design will require for the top of canopy beam bolting plate to be flush with the FO. Possible changes may include:

·         Bolting plate material change

·         Different weld sizes or type

·         Change to bolt size or quantity



2)     Adjust canopy beam length using Geometry Tool so bolting plates meet correctly.

·         The bolting plates overlap into each other in View A

·         View B shows plates properly aligned



2)     Change Canopy Beam Cut in Plate to a Flush Condition at the FO



1)     Go to Frames/Member Data/file name/Wall x/frame location - double click to open Frame Information


2)     Select the canopy beam CBXxxx then pick the Properties button



3)     The element to be modified is the Cut in Plate


4)     The plate in the example has a ½” cantilever past the FO and the FI.
This is shown in the columns Adjust 1 and Adjust 2.





5)     To bring the Cut in Plate flush with the FO, change the Adjust 1 dimension to 0.000.


6)     The part length will also need to change by the same amount. In this example the plate was 10” (0/10/0). It needs to be changed to 9 ½” (0/9/8). Once data has been entered hit the Apply button, the plate becomes flush with the FO.

a.     If the Cut in Plate length is not changed the plate will cantilever further past the FI.

b.     go into the welds and change the weld at the FO from Fillet to CJP Full Pen and add a note for the shop to “grind smooth”.


7)     Hit Okay or Apply until you are back to the model view to accept and save the changes.






8)     Connection should now look similar to example at left.


9)     Notice holes do not align, now the canopy beam Cut in Plate holes need to be modified.


10)   Go to - Frames/Member Data/file name/Wall x/frame location


11)   Select the canopy beam and hit the Properties… button.


12)   Select the Cut in Plate line.




13)   Select the Outside Flange Button. This will open the Bolted Connections screen.



14)   The pfi dimension will need to be adjusted.

a.     The original plate had holes 2” from the edge. The hole is still being located 2” from the edge.  (You can determine this by adding the flange thickness to the pfi dimension.)

b.     The ½” that was deducted for the cantilever past the FO must also be removed from the pfi distance.


15)   If the plate size (thickness or width) or bolt diameter needs to be changed it can be done on this screen in the Design Data section. Hit Okay.


16)   If a standard plate was being used it will be replaced by a user plate after these changes are made.

a.     This example started with plate 1A060310011 but has been replaced with 008SP060030094.




17)   Select Okay 2 more times to get back to model. The holes should now be aligned.




3)     Create an Eave Strut Attachment Plate


1)     If the standard plate EAP1 can be used:

a.     Add to a Vision warehouse or increase the quantity on the Final Build Notification form

b.     Add the additional bolts to the warehouse. Do not forget the shims if a steeper slope.

c.     Add a detail similar to one shown below to the Roof Secondary SED sheet



2)     If additional bolts are required as would happen with a strutted connection, a user plate will need to be created in Vision under User Clips.

a.     Layout plate configuration and input under User Clips

b.     You must use a material thickness available in User Clips. Check with design for minimum allowable thickness.

c.     Create Exception Drawing for the plate. See below.



d.     If there is already a strutted connection such as RS12PE at the location, no additional bolts will need to be added. Do not forget the shims if a steeper slope.

e.     Add a detail similar to one shown below to the Roof Secondary SED sheet




4)     Punch Frame for Eave Strut Attachment Plate


1)     Go to Frames/Data/shape name/wall number/ and select frame to add punching to the FO of the rafter.

2)     A condition that would be non-strutted similar to RS12PA can use plate EAP1. The punching should be located as shown below.




3)     A condition that would be strutted similar to RS12PE will need a user plate. Locate the punching as shown below or as the connection requires.



5)     Add Punching to Eave Strut if Needed



1)     The eave strut may require additional holes for the offset condition created by the eave strut attachment plate. First verify if the holes needed are already on part in the Holes/Subunits tab under the Properties section of the eave strut. A hole code of 1, 2 or 7 may already be at the required location and can be used.


2)     If hole code is not at needed location go to Secondary/Member Data/shape name/Roof Surface/  select the eave strut and select and open the Properties button then add holes.